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K. Riley and E. Rustique-Forrester (2002)
Why children lose interest in school and what we can do about it.
London: Chapman Sage.
K. Riley (2017)
Place, Belonging and School Leadership: Researching to Make the Difference.
London: Bloomsbury.
K. Riley (2013)
Leadership of Place: Stories from Schools in the US, UK and South Africa.
London: Bloomsbury.

Education Reform & Change

K. Riley and K. S. Louis (2000)
Leadership for Change and School Reform: International Perspectives.
London: Routledge.
K. Riley (1998)
Whose School is it Anyway?
London: Falmer Press.

Other Books

K. Riley & D. L. Nuttall, D.L. (1994) Measuring Quality: Education Indicators – United Kingdom & International Perspectives. Falmer Press (Re-published in 2018: Routledge Revivals).

K. Riley (1994) Quality & Equality: Promoting Opportunities in Schools.London: Cassell.

H. Penn & K. Riley (1992) Managing Services for the Under Fives.Longman Group.

Articles related to community, agency, leadership & belonging

K. Riley (2022) Contemporary challenges in building trust and collaboration between schools & communities in T. Greany and P. Earley (eds), School Leadership & Education System Reform (2nd edition). London: Bloomsbury.

K. Riley (2020) Leadership of Place: Transforming Schools into Places of Belonging. ICSEI Monograph Series, January. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement

K. Riley (2019)‘Agency and belonging: What transformative actions can schools take to help create a sense of place and belonging?’ Journal of Educational & Child Psychology; 36 (4) 91-103

K. Riley (2019) ‘The belonging Imperative. School Leadership Today, Vol 9.3, p31-36.

K. Riley (2019) ‘We’re a long way from a sense of belonging’. TES Scotland, 7th June, pp 20-21.

Kathryn working with educators in Chile

K. Riley (2019) ‘Protests and possibilities: reframing the agenda for urban secondary schools’. Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 56 Issue: 5, pp.455-462, JEA-08-2018-173.

K. Riley (2017) ‘Recreating schools as places of Belonging: The Art of Possibilities’. Professional Development Today, 20th June -as

K. Riley., C. Montecinos & L. Ahumada (2016) ‘Effective Principals serving in high poverty schools in Chile: Managing competing realities’. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences

K. Riley (2013) ‘Walking the leadership tightrope: building community cohesiveness and social capital in schools in highly disadvantaged urban communities’. British Educational Research Journal 39, (2), 266–286.

K. Riley (2009) ‘Taking Your Leadership Pulse’, Developing School Leaders (67) 2,